Maran Lowry, Senior Ecologist

Maran holds a BSc in Marine Biology with 1st class honours. He has ten years experience spanning a range of sectors including ecological consultancy, fisheries science, aquaculture, academic research, and academic publishing. Skilled in ecological assessment and report writing (with extensive experience in Appropriate Assessment and knowledge of the Habitats Directive), ecological surveying, GIS, and the refinement of scientific manuscripts.

Maran provides specialist technical advice to our town planning colleagues on local and national ecology, biodiversity, and nature conservation. This constitutes the preparation of Appropriate Assessments, NIS, Ecological Impact Assessments, and new statutory and regulatory duties related to protected species and habitats, including review of other Ecologists' input to planning applications, calculating net-biodiversity gain requirements, and suggesting mitigation to the team. Fieldwork duties include extended phase 1 habitat surveys and other surveys. Tasked with developing and building up a new ecological discipline within Entrust, which may include hiring a team of Ecologists in the coming years.