
LOCATION: Erkina Solar Farm, Land at Derrymore, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary

LOCATION: Erkina Solar Farm, Land at Derrymore, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary

Our Role

Entrust engaged in a comprehensive community engagement strategy and pre-application consultation strategy with the Planning Authority to deliver this planning permission in record time. A comprehensive suite of supporting environmental reports accompanied the non-EIA planning application including; Statement of Community Consultation, Glint & Glare, Flood Risk, Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment, Construction Environment Management Plan, Transport & Access, Archaeological and Geo-Physical, Noise, Natura Impact Statement, Biodiversity Management Plan, 3D Model Report & Video, GIS Planning Constraints Maps and Landscaping Management Plan.

On 06th March 2020, Entrust obtained a final grant of planning permission for a circa. 25MW solar farm on 29.09 hectares (ha) (71.9 acres) of agricultural land approximately 4.3KM south of Roscrea.

Entrust obtained planning permission within only 2 months of submitting the planning application which did not attract any third party objections or a Request for Further Information from Tipperary County Council.