Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments

Entrust has provided photomontage and LVIA services to support planning applications on behalf of EE within the South Downs National Park throughout 2021, home to some of Britain’s most cherished and pristine landscapes. Part of the work involved demonstrating to the National Park Authority that the proposed masts were located in the least harmful locations possible. There was a significant amount of discussion and input from both parties which has resulted in the first masts receiving planning approval in August 2021. These recently approved masts for the EE network are some of the first new telecommunication masts to gain planning permission in the South Downs for a number of years. It is hoped that the new masts will transform residents, businesses and visitors’ day to day lives in the National Park, as well as those travelling on the South Western Railway network in the area. The masts will also host the Home Office’s Emergency Services Network, helping the Emergency Services reach people in need, where previously there was no signal.