Solar Farm


Entrust obtained planning permission in 2021 for a 254 acre solar farm at Ballyroe, near Charleville in County Cork which also consisted of a 3.5KM underground electricity grid connection. The site had a number of challenges including archaeology, flood risk and being adjacent to a SAC, which Entrust worked hard along with the Planning Authority and Public Bodies to devise appropriate mitigtaion measures to ensure no environmental impacts were a concern prior to the application submission. During the process the application fell into a new proposed motorway corridor optional route which was subsequently removed, clearing the way for a grant of planning permission.

We provided a complete planning application solution from the initial feasibility study through to submission. We work as the planning application project manager and provide a number of environmental specialisms in house as well as working with different expert consultants in their specialisms. Our services include; Feasibility, Pre-Planning Consultation, Planning Statement & Policy Analysis, EIA Screening, GIS Constraints Analysis, Public Consultation & Statement of Community Consultation, Archaeology & Cultural Heritage, Hydrology & Flood Risk Assessment (FRA), Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) together with Photomontages, ZTV with and without vegetation & Wirelines, creating 3D models of solar farms as well as their surrounding landscapes for public consultation and pre-application consultation with the Planning Authority, Landscaping Scheme, Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP), Appropriate Assessments (AA), Natura Impact Statements (NIS), Biodiversity Management Plans (BMP), Glint and Glare, Noise and Transport Management Plan (TMP) and a complete set of planning application drawings.