
500kW Wind Turbine, Ballynultagh, ShillelaghCo. WicklowIreland

Entrust secured planning permission for a single 500KW, 79m to tip de-rated wind turbine at Rainsbutt Farm, Lincolnshire.

Following, its refusal at Planning Committee, despite being recommended for approval by the Case Officer, Entrust submitted an appeal which was subsequently allowed. Since the Written Ministerial Statement (WMS) was enacted by the then government in June 2015, only 9% of onshore wind planning applications were granted planning permission on appeal by the Planning Inspectorate in England, and this development was one of the few appeals successfully determined.

We have provided a complete planning and environmental solution for the this project including; feasibility, pre-application consultation, planning application, screening, noise, shadow flicker, EIA, 3D modelling, LVIA, GIS, Auto-CAD, swept path analysis, public consultation, heritage statement and appeal.